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5 Tips for Recovering from Hair Transplant Surgery

30 Aug 2018 0 comments
5 Tips for Recovering from Hair Transplant Surgery

Here, you’ll find effective tips for minimizing the risk of complications from your hair restoration surgery with healthy recovery.

Do not undergo chemical hair processing.

After your procedure, it is essential to wait a full month at minimum to color, perm, or chemically treat the hair in any way. 

Limit strenuous activity.

The recovery time is minimal for hair transplantation. Patients should refrain from strenuous activities for one week following surgery. Usually patients return to work within two to four days following surgery. Use this time as an opportunity to properly rest and recover.

Follow customized post-op instructions.

Immediately after surgery, a patient’s scalp will typically be pink with small scabs surrounding around the micro incisions. Any subsisting hair may be combed over the grafted area to make it less noticeable to camouflage your transplant surgery. Most patients feel comfortable being in public without wearing a hat within 5 to 7 days following surgery.

Be patient with hair growth and have realistic expectations

The first new grafts will start growing within two to four months following the procedure. However, it is important to note that hair grows in cycles, so new grafts do not all start growing at once. By the eighth month after the surgery, an estimated 90% of the grafts are growing. Once the transplanted hair grows out, the results should look completely natural even under careful examination.

Do not wash your hair immediately and then apply also Natural Collagen Serum.

After one week, the patient can typically shampoo and blow dry normally without restriction. 

Wash your hair with a shampoo and rub graphite natural collagen into wet scalp and hair.

Either leave the collagen without rinsing and blow dry your hair after about 15 minutes. It can be used as a mask: leave it for 20 min. Rinse it away with a collagen solution (1 teaspoon of collagen dissolved in lukewarm water).

At least once a day, spray some water and tap the serum into the scalp.Massage the scalp to improve blood micro circulation and get better collagen absorption.

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